Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I am THE DEVIL when I am on my period. I kid you not...please help?

I know to avoid sweets (but I'm a choc-o-holic--especially at that time)....but my mood swings are hellish. I feel sorry for my fiance, because he has to witness the wrath of 'me'. I don't feel sorry for him at the time, because he does a lot of annoying things--sometimes I wonder if he wants me to hate him. It's like I have 'piss me off' written on my forehead or something. But then after it pes, I feel bad for getting upset so easily. I promise--I have literally tried tons of stuff...exercise, eating less sugar (err...not that much less), midol....lots of stuff, and I still don't know what to do. Everything that he's done for the past 20 some days just comes flying out of my mouth. I purposely don't get online and I turn off my phone because I know that he will say something to make me go off the deep end. It is stressing me out so bad though. I don't know what to do w/ myself. I'm not on any type of other medication. Any tips? haha

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